Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm Back!

Hello everyone! It is me, Poketch123... Poketch123 got banned forever! :o
I have a new penguin and his name is: Poketch 123. It is the same but there is a space! XD


  1. Cool header btw! lol! PS how do I put youre bannner on my site? There is no code! xD I suggest going to bannerfans.com and yu can make a banner. Click use a pic and upload it etc... Then after you're done click get codes and click the one that says 'Code for webpages/blogs/Myspace:
    (with 'embed code' copy box available below the banner)'
    Hope this helps! Please check out my site, I made a banner on there lol Thanks!!!

  2. Oh and do you use paint program when you like edit pictures before you upload them? Thanks again!!
