Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Volcano on Club Penguin!

OMG!! There is a volcano on CP! Maybe it will erupt and Club Penguin will be like the play at the stage!! XD!! But we know that it is going to be a new room for only penguins that will have the amulet. (Not out yet)

Scavenger Hunt!

Sensei has a scavenger hunt until the 28th!! Here is a link to the cheats!!

-Poketch 123

The Penguins That Time Forgot

These are the cheats for the new play out at the stage!
1. Click on the 'G' in the word "FORGOT" to get the grass skirt!
-Poketch 123

Penguin Style Sept'09

These are the new Penguin Style Sept'09 Catalog Cheats in the Gift Shop!

1. Click on the mouse to find the black bowtie!
2. Click on the piano to find the Red Viking Helmet!
3. Close the Red Viking Helmet box then open it then close it and continue untill you find the Blue Viking Helmet!
There weren't alot of cheats in this month's catalog!

-Poketch 123

I'm Back!

Hello everyone! It is me, Poketch123... Poketch123 got banned forever! :o
I have a new penguin and his name is: Poketch 123. It is the same but there is a space! XD